I was asked to create a logo for an independent company that provides sweet treats to children's parties and wedding venues. The brand had to appeal to both clientele and the only requirement was that it had bright colours rather than pastels. Rather than follow the trend of new branded sweets which would inevitably date [...]
Foxy Halloween
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T22:34:25+00:00An adorable fluffy fox character created as a Halloween image to be used on social media in the lead up to Halloween at the end of October. Shown with his pumpkin lantern, this little fox is going, what we used to call, 'Halloweening'. We used to carry a turnip. There was no other smell like it. Lovely.
Fashion silhouettes
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T22:36:38+00:00Who wouldn't want hearts or stars in their hair? These silhouettes are aimed at the fashion and beauty industry. These tees are now available in my Teemill store under the ‘Shop’ button.
Lindsay Elissa Coils2017-09-22T14:17:46+00:00An all American baseball player reflecting the patriotic nature of the United States in silhouette.
Minnie Mouse
Lindsay Elissa Coils2017-09-22T13:25:23+00:00© Disney Minnie Mouse characters created as practice pieces in the lead up to some commissioned Disney gift wrap to make sure I got the mood right.
Let’s face it
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T22:40:08+00:00These childrens' faces were created to show that we live in a multi cultural society and we should embrace it. A personal project to appeal to the stationery, greeting cards, giftware and publishing industry.
Alien Nightwear
Lindsay Elissa Coils2017-09-22T12:00:33+00:00A personal project showing nightwear taken over by little aliens, spaceships, rockets, stars and moons.
Winter Wonderland
Lindsay Elissa Coils2017-09-22T08:24:25+00:00A magical night time snow scene showing an atmospheric sky above a sparkly snow fall created for WHSmith.