Peaches and Plum Duck are the main characters created for a children's book based on the season of Autumn. The book follows their adventures throughout the autumnal months including the exciting things they get up to at school, a night out with their lanterns on Halloween and a party with their friends afterwards.
Foxy Halloween
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T22:34:25+00:00An adorable fluffy fox character created as a Halloween image to be used on social media in the lead up to Halloween at the end of October. Shown with his pumpkin lantern, this little fox is going, what we used to call, 'Halloweening'. We used to carry a turnip. There was no other smell like it. Lovely.
Sunlit Girl
Lindsay Elissa Coils2017-09-22T15:30:41+00:00The silhouette of a girl wearing warm clothing, in the sunlight against a backdrop of leaves showing a more fashion led style.
Rainy Days
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T22:42:59+00:00The rain doesn't have to make you miserable when you have a pretty heart print umbrella.