A Scandinavian take on the British Countryside, these three prints work well together or on their own. A contemporary look for a modern home adding a lovely colour pop to a plain wall, these bright and colourful prints include hares, squirrels, badgers, foxes, butterflies and bees as well as lots of flowers and ferns. a [...]
Isabella The Adventurer
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T23:14:55+00:00Isabella Bird was the first female to be inducted into the Royal Geographic Society of London. What better person to name my mountaineer after. You don’t have to be scaling mountains. You may just be aiming for that goal that seems unobtainable. Aim high like Isabella. You never know how far you can go until [...]
The Friendly Vampire
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T22:24:53+00:00They walk amongst us, those friendly vampires. I expect this one would even sit down with you for a chat and a cuppa. Just make sure you wear a polo neck.
Don’t Feed The Giraffes
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T21:57:54+00:00Surely most of us who have visited animal parks or zoos have had some sort of animal encounter like this? The sign says ‘Don’t Feed The Giraffes’ but this young girl has no control over her ice cream here.
Highland Hoolie Characters
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T21:47:21+00:00While brainstorming for a ‘Country Set’ brief surface pattern design the place I couldn’t get out of my head was Scotland. I’ve had a love affair with Scotland for well over 20 years. I researched the Scottish Highlands and came up with this stag character for part of my surface pattern. Albany the stag was [...]
Lindsay Elissa Coils2018-06-22T16:22:37+00:00Created for a weekly themed Colour Collective post using a specific colour. This particular weeks colour was amber, seen here in the beaks of these cuddled up toucans in their luscious jungle setting.
The Beast from the East
Lindsay Elissa Coils2018-06-22T16:13:24+00:00In February of 2018, the UK was battered by icy weather as Siberian blizzards caused chaos on our roads. As we know in the UK, when snow falls, the whole country comes to a standstill as we are ill prepared for anything more than a tiny snowfall. I'm sure countries like Canada will have been [...]
Ridin’ High
Lindsay Elissa Coils2017-11-07T17:04:56+00:00I wanted to create a scene based on the beautiful North East of England and developed these three little characters, a blonde haired girl, a brown haired boy and their little white fluffy dog (who doesn't look unlike the one I used to have). Riding on a rollercoaster high above the Town Moor in Newcastle, [...]
Ahoy, Me Hearties!
Lindsay Elissa Coils2021-09-08T22:25:35+00:00I wanted to create a scene based on the beautiful North East of England and developed these three little characters, a blonde haired girl, a brown haired boy and their little white fluffy dog (who doesn't look unlike the one I used to have). Waving a patterned Jolly Roger pirate flag, their little boat, Jenny [...]
Biblical Book Covers
Lindsay Elissa Coils2017-09-24T21:58:19+00:00I was asked to create two book covers for a Biblical publishing project aimed at children, Daniel in The Lions' Den and Moses and The Ten Commandments.